Montvale, VA Class Youth/Adult


Montvale, VA Class Youth/Adult


Raines Riding University excited to be holding a Youth day class on July 21st and the Adult class on July 22nd at 1745 Statler Rd Montvale, VA 24122! These classes are available to the first 12 riders in both age brackets. Plan on a 7 hour day, 3 hours of instruction before a 1 hour lunch then 3 hours in the afternoon, so bring lots of gas, extra parts, tools, water and lunch along with snacks. We will have nutritional supplements to try from Carbsport,class starts at 8am. We will work on, of course fundamentals, corners, straight a way speed and putting it all together! Please Contact Emily Raines at 360-470-2359 for more information!

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